POSTPONED: Josh Slutsky, Voice, Junior Recital*
Saturday, Oct. 05 at 8 p.m.
This recital has been postponed. New date to be announced.
Please join Josh Slutsky in his junior recital for voice, featuring:
Franz Schubert: Schwanengesang (Heine set)
Luigi Denza: Occhi di fata
Francesco Paolo Tosti: Non t'amo più!
Renato Brogi: Visione Veneziana
Henri Duparc: Soupir and Le Manoir du Rosamonde
Alexander Borodin: Dlya Beregov Otchizni Dalnoi
Peter Tchaikovsky: I Bless You Forests
Sam Kim: What the Wind has Blown, Godfather Death
This performance is free and open to the public or join via livestream.